
Runescape currencies become increasingly important

Runescape is a very popular and interesting game, but it requires a lot of gold to get nice equipment and weapons to complete the difficult task, and if a runescape account for sale has a mount of gold, it will be valuable enough! As far as I know, most players who do enjoy runescape very well also have some issues in getting gold with their cheap runescape accounts. But what is the best way to earn much of gold quickly so that you can earn some cash by runescape accounts selling? It is always the issue that every rs player concerned about most. Here are some tips about how to get RS gold quicker.

The weapons in this game are wide variety and exciting that can be found or crafted in the game, even bought in some safety website like farmer100. In addition, whether the weapon is rare or not or the skill it took to craft will determine the price of the weapon. The value of the items is determined by its rarity, so, more rare items are worth more obviously, as are items crafted by different skills.

You can do a lot of basic tasks gain RS gold like killing monsters and completing the tasks. At the same time, you can work on training skills, such as cutting and fishing. If you are worried about all of these means will spend too much game time, you can choose to buy RS gold from online shop. In my opinion, it is the quickest and easiest way to obtain gold for players.

Significance of runescape currencies in the game

Runescape accounts for sale cheap are available with the extensively popularity of Runescape on numerous websites now. With the popularity of this game, runescape currencies dominate online games.

Runescape economy is controlled by lots of different means, which is much like it is in the real world to a certain extent. Wheat, Potatoes along with logs, ore, fish and coal make up the base of the Runescape economy such as attracting more free players to buy runescape account and earn some cash by runescape accounts selling. Players can kill as many monsters as they can to acquire raw meat. The harvested items make up of the second tier of the economy, including tanned hides, metal bars, cooked foods, runes and gems. And the third tier of the economy is composed of rare items and other items that are made from things in the base and second tiers. 



Vegetable Shashlyk or more commonly know as sizzler in India is an arrangement of  rice, vegetables or meat on a hot iron plate lined with a bed of cabbage leaves. Usually, when you order it in a restaurant it comes sizzling with lots of smoke coming out of the plate. Its quiet dramatic!
Sizzlers are really popular in this part of the world and also the Middle East (I think because its so magnificent….. like saganaki), but its mostly prepared with meat …so its a lot like kebabs over rice with some fries maybe and sometime it is also served with some kind of a bread like pita or naan.
Just a few tips for when you make the shashlyk, don’t overcook the veggies – you want the veggies with a little crunch and not completely mushy. It will help them retain their shape and will give a nice texture to compliment the rice. Add the BBQ sauce mix to the rice as soon as they are done cooking – this will help them absorb the flavor nicely. Use your favorite BBQ sauce to make the marinade for this recipe. I used Hickory Smoke by Kraft.
I don’t have a sizzler plate – so I just used an iron skillet and it worked well. At some point though I would like to invest in a sizzler set – it comes with an iron plate that sits on a wooden platform just slightly bigger than the plate (to avoid accidents). In the meantime enjoy this recipe with or without a sizzler plate or an iron skillet.
Serving for 3 people
Cooking time 1 hour
Things you will need:
5 large mushrooms
3 medium to small potatoes, boiled & peeled
1 medium zucchini, cut into big pieces
1 red onion, diced into big chunks
1 green bell pepper, diced into big chunks
few broccoli florets
few button mushroom, stems removed
1 cup rice, uncooked
1 cup BBQ sauce
1/2 cup tomato puree (canned)
few cabbage leaves to line the iron skillet (optional)

I took 20 minutes to write this post because, even if just a drop in the ocean

Dear Santa, I don’t ask for much geeky stuff, but one very good gift in that area would be a Dvorak keyboard for my iPad. And please don’t give me a side real hardware keyboard, I am talking of a touchscreen keyboard (the combo external keyboard + iPad looses the battle with my Mac Air…).
Dvorak Simplified Keyboard
Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (Photo credit: Gustavo da Cunha Pimenta)
I switched to the Dvorak keyboard map not so long ago, last July. Reason for that was not to be faster (like many others) even if this would be a nice side effect, but exploring solutions to solve the pain of a recurring carpal tunnel syndrome. My friend Paolo advised this, explaining it would make my finger, hand and wrist move way less, as a result, it should reduce the inflammation and then the pain. If you are interested in the Dvorak keyboard, jut read it onWikipedia, or from Ma.tt already almost 10 years ago!
For learning resources, you will find plenty around the web so I won’t say much here beside a short feedback if you are interested:
I am not yet 100% up to speed but really happy with that switch – I am still fighting a bit for all special characters and also for french accents… but I made progress in speed compared to my Qwerty typing. I am finally touch-typing and have my pain slightly diminished, which was the main goal. While not perfect yet, still very positive change!
I must say though that I can’t type for a too long time or pain still comes back but it is definitely an improvement compared to Qwerty. I also still have a hard time using it when not really in a ‘typing mode’, for instance when taking notes in meetings. And finally, I am just a bit annoyed by the blind or Dvorak stickers that I use on my keyboards as it is not the most comfortable solution. One day I will take the time to remove and switch keys.
Actually, now, the very main issue is coming from iOS. The Dvorak keyboard would be a perfect story for me if only I could use it not only on my computers but also on my iPhone and iPad but I can’t! It simply seems impossible to find a way to have a Dvorak map configured on the iOS system. Come on Apple, what the heck!? Can you believe that?
This is supposed to be so easy to support, certainly not more than a bunch of configuration files to change. Instead of that, we are in the paradoxical situation where we were able to find a solution for hardware keyboard and not for purely software ones…
And let me add that this is a typical example (among plenty of others) where I would love iOS to be more open if not open source. We are so far from it now with Apple. Openness would enable a bunch of happy few to make this thing happen quickly, without hurting Apple or asking their contribution, and pleasing many other users… but no! This has a taste of “innovation is over”… I will certainly keep a very interested eye on Android phones and tablets, and feel the change coming stronger and stronger.
And to conclude, I took 20 minutes to write this post because, even if just a drop in the ocean, I wanted to contribute to the Dvorak keyboard cause! It is super interesting and deserves more attention from device and system makers. It also needs to be known by more users. I believe that it is an interesting option with lots of potential for people like me. When I think about people writing, typing, translating, transcribing all day; I strongly feel Dvorak could be a much bigger change worth to consider.

Penumbra himself is a kindly old gent

mr penumbraMr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore lives up to its name: it is run by Mr Penumbra, it is open 24-hours, and it does sell some books… But Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore is also much more than the name on its front window, in unassuming yellow Gerritszoon font, suggests. New employee Clay Jannon quickly discovers that there is much more to this bookstore than first meets the eye.
Penumbra himself is a kindly old gent, if somewhat eccentric and puzzling, but his bookstore is almost everything but an ordinary bookstore. At the front of the store is a minimal selection of books for sale. The real business of this bookstore, however, lies in the ‘Wayback List’ – shelves which stretch all the way to a very high ceiling, and right to the back of the store. Rolling stack ladders (you know, the ones that appear in Libraries that Dreams Are Made Of) help clerks climb to fetch weird and wonderful books for Penumbra’s strange patrons. These books operate on a library system, and their readers never say much about what they’re reading. Clay – despite being warned to never open these books – has his curiosity roused when he takes a peek. Cracking into one of these books starts his journey to solve the puzzle which starts in Penumbra’s shelves filled with encoded books, and stretches right around the world, and as far back as the Fifteenth Century.


Wooden fretwork and ceramic match holders

     Berkeley Heights Public Library invites the public to an exhibit of antique match holders in the lobby display cases. The collection can be viewed during regular library hours through the month of January. The collection of ceramic, carved wood and metal match safes and wall-mounted match holders belongs to children's librarian Laura Fuhro.
When asked how she began collecting match holders, Laura explained that while visiting friends in Maine in the 1980's she visited a flea market where a collection of match holders caught her eye. She likes the idea of collecting things that used to be very common and essential in every household, but now people don't want them or need them anymore. Her original acquisition was a Horace Greeley match holder and Laura has been collecting ever since that original purchase,

      "I can't stop. I have over 200 made of every material - metal, wood, ceramic. Most date from the 19th century through the World War I era."

     Most people don't need to keep matches on hand in the kitchen anymore since gas stoves have automatic ignition now. However, Laura finds that the little wall-mounted match holders make very convenient spots to keep nails, cat toys or other bits and bobs that would otherwise be relegated to the kitchen junk drawer.

     The lobby display has signs explaining the invention and development of safety matches as well as the "Fretwork Frenzy" era of woodcarving, a technique used to create many of match holders in the display. Small kits of woodworking tools were sold for home projects and many women of the late 19th century made small wooden crafts in their homes using the tools. Fretworking was the craft craze of the times.

    How many of our readers remember having a match holder in your kitchen or near the fireplace? In the 1950's, it might have been designed to hold a rectangular cardboard matchbox, explained Laura, but I haven't seen one in recent years in anyone's home.

My face when I find out that someone doesn't go by their first

My face when I find out that
someone doesn't go by
their first name                    
To a reader, the names of the characters in a book seem effortless and are rarely given a second thought. Yeah, the name “Hermione” was probably stumbled over and made fun of when the first HP book came out but seven books later, that’s just who she is. No one would dream of changing her name to Anne or Deborah.
Readers associate a character’s personality, attributes and appearance with his or her name to the point that it seems impossible that he or she could be named anything else. We do the same thing with people. For example, I have a friend who goes by her middle name exclusively. When I discovered her first name I kind of freaked out inside because someone who I’d known as X had Z on her birth certificate. Crazy.
To me, names are incredibly important. Have you ever played that game with friends where you try to come up with “a name that they look like”? Maybe not, but my friends and I used to do it all the time. We’d usually be hanging out and someone would say, “You know Danielle, I’ve always thought you looked more like a Margret.” The conversation would continue until all of us were given a different name. The only hitch was that the new name never seemed to fit anyone as perfectly as the name they were known as. Maybe this is why I find it so interesting that some people just up and change their name to whatever they want, but I digress.


I feel confident the Imagineers could do wonders with reference material such as this.

I feel this is a unique choice because it features a sort of Italianate or Gothic style of architecture – both of which were hugely popular in United States during the mid-19th century – and also turn of the century items and instruments that would have been considered “futuristic” at the dawn of the 20th Century. Personally, I think this fits quite nicely in that distinct juxtaposition that is Main Street USA, Tomorrowland, and Cinderella Castle. Additionally, the domed copper roofs would mirror nicely the iron and glass dome atop the Crystal Palace.
If not this style, I feel confident the Imagineers could do wonders with reference material such as this.

Some of my favorite coin designs

St. Gaudens Double Eagle
Just about every American collector knows this coin. And for good reason: the Saint-Gaudens gold twenty dollar Double Eagle is one of our most interesting pieces of currency.
In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt decided he’d had enough with what was, in his opinion, his country’s butt-ugly coinage. Shortly after viewing an exhibit of ancient Greek coinage at Washington D.C.’s Smithsonian Institute, he wrote up a letter to Treasury Secretary L. M. Shaw, asking him to fix their coinage, which he called “artistically of atrocious hideousness.” (For an example of one of the coins Roosevelt was talking about, check out the slabbed coin in this post. Personally, I agree with Teddy.) Roosevelt suggested he hire Augustus Saint-Gaudens, a then-famous American sculptor who had designed many celebrated monuments.
Saint-Gaudens took the job and produced the design that would become the new Double Eagle. The new twenty dollar coin featured a walking Lady Liberty on the obverse and an eagle flying over the radiant Sun on the reverse. The original series ran from 1907 to 1932, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt criminalized private gold ownership in an attempt to prevent wealth hoarding during the Great Depression. Executive Order 6102 required all US residents to deliver all their “gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates” to a Federal Reserve member bank and levied high fines and imprisonment on those who disobeyed the order.
Above, a familiar face on an unfamiliar bill.  In the early part of the 20th century, you'd have been able to exchange one of these twenty dollar gold certificates for a twenty dollar double eagle.
Above, a familiar face on an unfamiliar bill. In the early part of the 20th century, you’d have been able to exchange one of these twenty dollar gold certificates for a twenty dollar double eagle.
This executive order didn’t actually result in any convictions. However, it did inadvertently create one of the rarest coins in the world. As a result of order 6102, ownership of the 1933 Double Eagle was effectively made illegal, and the US Mint melted their stock of that year’s gold coins after sending two 1933 Double Eagles to the Smithsonian to put on display.
Despite the ban, several 1933 Double Eagles slipped out of the Mint’s hands and turned up in auctions later on, where they sold for stupidly large sums of money. Since ownership of the 1933 gold coin was technically illegal, however, the government decided that the 1933 coins in question must have been illegally obtained, and it has ever since made a policy of confiscating the coin from private owners who try to put it up for auction. One case is still on appeal, with government lawyers arguing that the ten unaccounted-for coins were illegally obtained and the family of the deceased owner arguing they weren’t.
But the Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle would eventually make a comeback. In 2009, the US Mint released a limited-run reproduction of the twenty dollar gold coin in “ultra-high” relief (relief meaning how far the coin’s features stick out of the coin’s surface, basically.) This was the way Saint-Gaudens had originally wanted his coin to look. As a modern reproduction, the 2009 coin doesn’t have any numismatic value, but it’s still nice. Saint-Gauden’s Lady Liberty design was also retained for the American Gold Eagle 22k gold bullion coin that the US government began minting in 1986, though it uses a different eagle design on the reverse. So, you know, don’t confuse the two.

Meat rolls


The Horse-World of London – W. J. Gordon,

© Roger Dean RED_3852 copy
Blackhorse Road, London, E17. Photo © Roger Dean 2012

A good many of the coal horses are blacks and dark bays, and by some people they are known as ‘the black brigade’; but the real black brigade of London’s trade are the horses used for funerals. [...] The ‘funeral furnisher’ is equal to all emergencies on account of the facilities he possesses for hiring to an almost unlimited extent, so long as the death rate is normal. The wholesale men, the ‘black masters,’ are always ready to cope with a rate of twenty per thousand – London’s normal is seventeen – but when it rises above that, as it did in the influenza time, the pressure is so great that the ‘blacks’ have to get help from the ‘coloured,’ and the ‘horse of pleasure’ becomes familiar with the cemetery roads.


Small Happinesses

There is so much tragedy, so much heartbreak, so much sicknesses and illness and disaster in this life. We see it in the papers, hear it on the radio, watch it on TV and the internet.  It can weigh us down and suck the very life out of us.   Even the small bumps in the road of life weigh us down.  The crying babies and shedding dogs;  burnt dinners and late spouses;  horrible traffic and poor gas mileage.  It bogs us down, wears at us, eats away at our joy.
It may seem that there have not been any big happinesses in life lately, but the good is there.  The happy is there.  We just need to look a bit closer, think a bit smaller.
The January (I’m a bit behind in my reading!) 2012 issue of Family Circle‘s article “Be Happy Now”, had some great advice:
“Appreciate the little things.  Spend 10 minutes before bedtime writing down three positive outcomes from the day…The mind is like your tongue swishing around life,  looking for a cavity…Instead, focus on what’s going right–and savor it.”
1.  I heard the crickets chirping while on my evening walk.
2. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.
3.  Best of all, I  have a couple of dahlia’s blooming!  So there, you slugs!